All Can Ski Traditional 2 day event (2 days)
May 23-24 @ San Marcos River Ranch (Mon & Tues)
** Partner event w/ MAWS
**USA Water Ski Sanctioned Event
All Can Ski Mini Clinic (1 day)
June 13 @ Utopia River Ranch (Mon)
All Can Ski Mini Clinic (1 day)
Sept. 12 @ Utopia River Ranch (Mon)
All Can Ski Mini Clinic (1day)
July 11th at SMRR
Mary Mahlie from SMRR clued a central Texas area adaptive sport organization in on USAWSWS grants for All Can Ski. They were awarded two grants for Veteran and Disabled participants.
USA Water Ski delivered both sit ski equipment and adaptive rec equipment and is ready for the Monday and Tuesday, May 23, 24, 2022, event at San Marcos River Ranch. Moody Bank donated $800 for Boat gas and lunches for all. for the two day event, Moody Bank expressed strong support for the Veterans opportunity and their support made a huge difference in what can be offered.
These events are great opportunities to enjoy the fellowship with both the participants and the volunteers. Volunteers are still needed for all these events as it can require up to 10 volunteers for each skier. To get involved or help support the All-Can-Ski events, please contact Mary Mahlie.
Look for updates, pictures and stories on the SCR Facebook page.