Howdy everyone and welcome to the ski season! A couple of reminders for tournament closeout:
Please send zip files to me as soon as the tournament is complete. Ideally these are provided Sunday evening.
Making corrections and resending the zip files later in the week is fine - such as adding missing officials or boat info; it is more important to put the skiers scores in the system in a timely manner.
Each day you wait affects another part of the process, whether it is IWWF rankings, seeding for the next weekends tournaments, international team selections, etc. The sooner we send scores in, the sooner we can get our skiers qualified for the next big event!
Please do not wait on TC reports to send the zip files in! Ideally they are included, but they can be uploaded separately later in the week.
I have seen all kinds of names for the TC reports. The correct file name is the Sanction ID followed by HD.txt, i.e. 18C065HD.txt.
I do not need the TC surveys.
I am happy to assist if necessary so if you have any questions/issues please contact me!
Thank you for all of your hard work and have a great summer!
For more info see