The ballots results have been confirmed and thanks to Mark Turner and the SCR Board, we have verified the results for chief officials at regionals. Illness and other obligations have forced some last minute changes. Here is the current assignments.
Chief Judge: Robert Howerton
Asst. Chief Judge: Floyd McCreight
Appointed: Danielle Dlugosh
Gary Weidman
Julie Krueger
Bill Sebesta
Krista Butterfield
Assignments Coordinators: Nicole & Eric Baird
Chief Driver: Ryan Malitz
Appointed: Trent Finlayson
David West
Ron Ives
Mike Hamilton
Kelvin Kelm
Gary Weidman*
Scott Greenwood - Nationals Chief*
Chief Scorer: Danny LeBourgeois
Appointed: Kim Butterfield
Jon Penner
Homologator (TC) Jeff Lindsey
For Nationals, we are still working to accommodate both the needed positions and availability of volunteers. As soon as the schedule has been confirmed and those selected have the option to accept or decline based on the extended constraints of a 7 day event, this information will be updated.
Appointed Judge(s): Robert Howerton
Danielle Dlugosh
Bruce Butterfield
Chief Driver: Scott Greenwood
Appointed Driver(s): Ryan Malitz
Gary Weidman
Appointed Scorer(s): Tina Lindsey
Congratulations and thank you for your dedication to the SCR