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AWSA President's Message

the March update

1) We finally have an agreement with West Palm, the new nationals contract gives the LOC 80% of the entry fees with no fees being taken out of the gross. This will result in a positive cash flow of approximately $20,000 more to the LOC.

2) Bakersfield is working out the final details on the 2024 Nationals, this contract will be ready for board vote in August.

3) AWSA and IWWF is closely monitoring the situation in Mexico, if the situation worsens the board will be asked to make a decision on sending a team to the U21

4) The rights to the US open are once again in the hands of AWSA, it is our position that it should never have gone to USAWSWS, now lets find a sponsor for 2024

5) Please feel free to contact me with any ideas to increase membership

6) We now have committee appoints to USAWSWS committees, they are as following

a) Awards Jim Jaquess

b) Bylaws Robert Harris

c) Ethics Karen Melnik

d) IAC Lyman hardy

e) Nominating Kate Knafla

g) Risk Management John Wilkins

h) Towboat Chris Eller

i) Waterway Leon Larson

j) Membership Taylor Hardy

Lyman Hardy

Also note that Will Bush is chairman for the IWWF Drivers' Committee and Dana Garcia is a member of the IWWF & PanAm Tournament Council


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