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Cool Stuff on World Ranking List

If you haven't checked out the World Rankings Lists, it is fun to see how well represented the SCR is currently. It should be noted that the requirement for placement on this list includes the new License requirement and at least two scores from two different events.

Several of our skiers are in the top 10 in various age groups including: Tiara Blackwood, Stephanie Stange, Lori Krueger, Jane Greenwood, Alana Jones, Todd Kuykendall, Steve Raphael, Tina Lindsey, Allyson Grathwohl, Kevin Withrow, Ric Stallings, Jeff Lindsey, Mitch Grau, Brittney Greenwood, Jenny Withrow, Paul Armour, and Matthew Greenwood.

Congratulations to all these SCR skiers and thank you for representing the SCR with such great performances!

We all look forward to seeing more of our young and seasoned skiers move up these lists as we begin the 2022 ski season.


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