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Regional update

As we prepare to travel to the SCR Championship, I want to confirm that start times will be 8:30 AM for the trick lake and 10:00 AM for slalom. Our entries are currently at about 150 and late fees went into effect at midnight last night, July 25, 2023. Anyone entering late may ski out of seeding order, so please complete your registration as process before tonight so registration can print running orders. An officials meeting will be Wednesday at Hamilton's home starting at 6:00 PM. The membership meeting will be approximately 30 minutes after the scores are posted on Friday which could be as early as 5:00 PM (which means we can have dinner plans after).

Travel for all of us can be a challenge and recent news about a past competitor and long time SCR personality, Mike McCormick, being killed in a car accident this week, brings to reality how precious life really is for all of us. Please share thoughts and prayers for all Mike's friends and family, as well as for everyone getting ready for travel, no matter if it is just a few miles.

Looking forward to a great regional championship!


Check SCR website for postings.

See AustinAquapless for schedules and details.

Running orders will be shared on as soon as available.


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