Before this season gets rolling too far along, let's get our paperwork updated!
Please update your AWSA membership
Please update your Safe Sport
Please update your Officials' status!
Please submit your sanctions!
The Sanction system has been updated and shows the EVP's the status of each official as of the date of the tournament as well as membership status and Safe Sport Status. Sanctions are to be approved once all Officials are up to date. So help out your tournament organizers and be sure you are up to date. Do not forget you can utilize the online clinics posted on the USA Waterski website to fulfill those requirements for judges and scorers. Click the link to take you straight to the webpage Online Clinics
There will also be a safety clinic at SMRR hosted by Terry Dlugosh on May 18, 2024. Please contact Terry to sign up or get more information. terrydlugosh@yahoo.com
If you have other Officials needs or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at SCREVP@gmail.com. If tournament credits are needed to maintain or upgrade the spring collegiate tournaments are a great place to get that taken care of, check the tournament schedule for dates and locations.
The Jr. US Open is around the corner and will be hosted by SMRR June 28th- 30th. Entries are being accepted now as the late fee date is May 19th. See more details on the USA Waterski Website. Click here Jr. Us Open Fact sheet
2024 SCR Regional Championships
Please also help out Jay and the Bennett's Crew by taking the survey and letting them know if you are planning on going to the 2024 SCR Regional Championships this summer. He and his crew are working hard to put together a 5 star Regionals with all the bells and whistles! It is hard to do these things without a good estimation of how many people to expect. It is not a commitment; it is just to help out with the planning! Click here and help them out https://forms.gle/bzqFz2fZbJFXhDsTA
That's all for now; I need to get out in the boat! Happy skiing! -
Julie Krueger SCR EVP - screvp@gmail.com 832-545- 7268