The virtual clinic is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 via GoToMeeting (maximum 150 participants). The clinic will be two parts - 2 hour segments each.
Part A (2 hours) - Focus on Sure-Path / Towboat - All Drivers
Part B (2 hours) - Focus for Assistant/Aspiring Drivers
Clinic Time 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Pacific) 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM (Eastern)
If you are interested in participating, you must preregister by emailing both:
Will Bush ( Eric Kelley (
with the information below to receive credit for attending.
Membership number
First and last name
Email Address
Current Driver's Ratings/Events - SEN REG AST / S T J
Current Judge's Ratings/Events (if applicable) - SEN REG AST / S T J
Clinic Fee Payment: With the exception of Eastern Region Drivers and Western Region Drivers (Regular and Senior) which are paid by their respective regions, all clinic participants must pay a $10 clinic fee to USA-WSWS to receive clinic credit. Payment can be made via PayPal to with member's name, membership number and clinic sanction number (22CL090) included in the Notes section of the payment.
Clinic Credit: The virtual clinic fully meets the clinic requirement for rating maintenance and upgrade and is approved by the AWSA Drivers' Committee. If you are in need of a clinic before 12/31/2023 for your 2024 driver rating renewal, you will be sent a separate email notification.
Meeting Information: Once you've preregistered for the clinic, you can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone using the link below.