Enter early! Enter now! Do your host a favor and get your entry in NOW for Regionals. You do not want to miss out on all the fun! Please use OLR to enter but PAY USING VENMO Anne-Bennett-11
Practice will be on Thursday afternoon after ski school finishes. $30 for 4 passes in slalom and tricks, and 3 jumps. First come first serve basis. There will also be practice offered the prior weekend. Reach out to the Bennett's crew to set that up. jay@skibennetts.com
The Officials Dinner and meeting will be at 7:30 Thursday evening at South Plains.
Friday there will be the Membership meeting on site following the tournament as well as a Poolside party for the Junior Development Crew.
The Banquet will be held at the Fennwood Country Club in Zachary $25 per person; its just a couple of miles from the site.
Host Hotel Info: Holiday Inn Express, standard king $124, standard double $129. Call using code ALZER, @ 225 6541402 EXT 196. Days Inn site ID 51484, phone number 225-800-1624 AWSA South Central regional waterski championships group RFP, $80 singles, $85 double. The cut-off date is July 4th.
Here is the Schedule: Click here
Click here to access the 2024 absentee ballot. Vote today! https://forms.gle/Dmoy6yjqKYgx5JZE8